Obtaining Permanent Residency (PR) in Australia

An Overview

Being the 13th largest economy in the world, Australia is beyond doubt, an attractive destination to migrate to as the country truly reflects the highest qualities of life globally. A relaxed lifestyle, natural wonders, scores of job opportunities, and ease of doing business are all worth taking the first mindful step towards migrating to Australia.

Australia offers various straightforward pathways of permanent residency (PR) for skilled professionals and workers who are seeking to immigrate to Australia. The country puts forward a very effective, trusted & well-designed immigration policy making it an attractive destination to migrate, furthermore, it is predicted that by 2050 the population of the country will increase by 50%. Attaining a Permanent Residency (PR) in Australia is a significant accomplishment and opens up a world of opportunities for prospective immigrants.

Nevertheless, steering through the complex Australian PR process requires guidance from an experienced immigration consultant, who can provide customized services and support throughout the migration journey.

Step-by-Step Process to Migrate to Australia

Migrating to Australia is not as simple as packing your bags and taking a flight; it requires a valid reason, whether it's for education, business, work, or family. While gaining acceptance into Australia can be a challenging and intricate process, the country provides clear ways for skilled professionals, businesses, students, families, and workers seeking Australian residency. To begin with, various permanent residency (PR) programs offered by Australia are mentioned below.

1. About the Skilled Migration Program in Australia

It is a point-based immigration system that is devised to lure highly skilled people from across the world to make significant contributions to Australia's economy and take up specific skill dearth in various business domains. There are two pathways within the Australian Skilled Migration Program which are namely: -

Employer Visa

DAMA (Designated Area Migration Agreements) is an employer-sponsored visa & comes under the Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (TSS) (subclass 482). Every region creates its unique list of occupations that are in demand in their area. Moreover, the prospective migrant must be nominated by an employer in the relevant region and this employer must be granted a labour agreement, which enables these employers to sponsor overseas workers.

Yes, it is possible to get PR through DAMA, however; each DAMA region has its precise pathway for Permanent Residency. However, it's essential to understand that each DAMA region has its unique criteria and processes for PR. These pathways are often designed to encourage skilled migrants to settle in and contribute to the specific region facing skill shortages.

The Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 494) is specifically intended to assist regional employers in addressing workforce shortages by sponsoring skilled overseas workers when suitable Australian workers are unavailable. This visa offers successful applicants the opportunity to reside, work, and pursue studies in designated regional areas of Australia.

Lastly, there is Subclass 186, Employer Nomination Scheme visa, which allows nominated skilled workers, to live and work in Australia permanently.

General Skilled Migration Visa

The GSM pathway invites skilled professionals to make a lasting contribution to Australia. This program operates on a point-based assessment system, where applicants accumulate scores based on predetermined criteria. Higher scores increase the likelihood of receiving a visa invitation. There are mainly 3 visas under this program:-

Skilled Independent Permanent Visa (Subclass 189)

Skilled Nominated Permanent Visa (Subclass 190)

Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (Subclass 491)

2. Family Migration: - 

(Subclasses 309/100 and 820/801, Subclasses 103, 143, and 804, Subclasses 101, 102, 117, and 802) Another avenue to Australia revolves around familial ties, allowing family members to facilitate your immigration journey.

3. Business or Investment Pathway to Permanent Residence:

(Subclass 188, Subclass 888, Subclass 132) Entrepreneurs and investors can traverse this path to establish their presence in Australia permanently.

Steps to achieve Australian Permanent Residency (PR)

Securing permanent residency in Australia is undoubtedly appealing, but it involves meticulous and systematic documentation. This intricate process can be streamlined with the expert guidance of Australian immigration consultants in India, such as Jagvimal Consultants. We will systematically guide you through each step of the process:

Application Analysis: Our experts meticulously scrutinize your application to determine the most suitable visa category. We assess your age, educational background, professional experience, English language proficiency, and skill sets to optimize your application.

Eligibility Check: Before proceeding, conducting an eligibility assessment is crucial to ascertain whether your application merits advancement. This step saves time for both the applicant and the immigration consultant. At this step, various vital criteria like age, English proficiency, valid skill sets & occupational lists are thoroughly examined so that an affirmative application can be created and processed by the skillful immigration consultant. We at Jagvimal Consultants & Management Services (P) Ltd. meticulously attend to every aspect of your visa application, minimizing the chances of errors that can occur without expert guidance. We ensure that your immigration journey unfolds systematically, increasing the likelihood of successful visa approval by navigating each step of the process with precision. Contact Us.

Skills Assessment: This step is paramount as the applicant needs to get the skills assessed by relevant Australian authorities responsible for the applicant's nominated occupation. Authorities evaluate applicant's education and work experience against Australian standards. This process, known as skill assessment, is mandatory before submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI). Moreover, it is noteworthy to mention, that there are different skill-assessing authorities for various occupational profiles and each body has its requirements to approve your skill assessment.

English Language Proficiency Test: Proficiency in the English language plays a pivotal role in the Australian point-based system. Enhanced language scores increase the likelihood of securing an invitation. English Language Proficiency is evaluated using standardized exams such as IELTS including One Skill Retake (OSR), OET, Cambridge English, or PTE. The minimum score requirements for English will be contingent on the visa subclass the applicant has applied for. Some visa subclasses require a minimum overall score of 5, whereas other visa subclasses require to score of 8 in each component of the test.

Expression of Interest (EOI): Submitting the EOI requires precision and technical expertise. Our experts adeptly navigate this process, streamlining EOI submissions and saving time.

Invitation for Visa: The most qualified candidates from the EOI pool are expected to receive official invitations to apply for a visa. Invitations are allocated based on the point-based system, considering factors such as age, qualifications, work experience, and skills.

Visa Application and Approval: Upon receiving an invitation from Skill Select, the subsequent phase in the pursuit of a permanent visa in Australia entails the preparation and submission of a visa application. This is the opportune moment to substantiate all the claims made during the points test phase and the Expression of Interest. Approval is granted once all required documents and information are authentic and submitted as required, allowing you to embark on your journey to Australia.

Submission of Health and Character Certificates: Finally, applicants must submit additional documents, including clearance certificates and passports for visa stamping.

How can Jagvimal Consultants Help?

Looking to navigate the intricacies of Australian immigration? At Jagvimal Consultants & Management Services (P) Ltd., we bring years of experience and expertise as Australian immigration consultants for permanent resident visas. We provide comprehensive support throughout the entire application process, from the initial consultation to the moment your visa is approved. With extensive experience in the Australian Migration industry spanning many years, we boast a remarkable success rate, attributable to our diligence, keen attention to detail, and profound knowledge of Australian Migration Law and procedures. Our seasoned migration agents possess over a decade of experience in the Australian Migration industry, during which they've adeptly handled a multitude of complex Australian visa applications.

With a plethora of information easily available, finding the accurate and correct visa pathway often poses a challenge for the applicant. However, with JVC's Immigration specialists, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands. Our team has up-to-date knowledge and the latest updates of migration laws and rules, and they are well-equipped to apply them wisely to individual circumstances. Dealing with clients professionally, providing seamless immigration solutions, and ensuring a high quality of services is our prime forte. So, if you are competent and envision yourself in Australia, don't wait. Let's apply for Australian permanent residency (PR) right now. Book your consultation today!

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Jagvimal Consultants & Management Services (P) Ltd., we bring years of experience and expertise as Australian immigration consultants for PR visas.

Jagvimal Consultants & Management Services (P) Ltd., we bring years of experience and expertise as Australian immigration consultants for PR visas.