Students Visa Application Steps with Charges

Students Visa - Overview

To study in Australia, individuals aged 16 and above can apply for a Immigration Student Visa provided they meet certain criteria. Firstly, they must have received an offer for a course from a licensed student sponsor. Additionally, they need to demonstrate sufficient financial capability to support themselves and cover their course expenses, which may vary depending on their individual circumstances.

Proficiency in English language skills, including speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension, is also required. For applicants aged 16 or 17, parental consent is mandatory and must be substantiated with evidence during the application process. Alternatively, those in the same age bracket intending to study at an independent school in the Australia may be eligible for the Child Student visa, which has replaced the previous Tier 4 (General) student visa.

When to Apply?

Applications for an Immigration Student Visa to study in the Australia should be submitted in advance of your planned travel date. Ideally, you should apply as soon as you've received confirmation of acceptance onto your chosen course and have gathered all necessary documentation, including proof of financial capability, English language proficiency, and any required consent if you're under 18.

It's advisable to check the specific processing times for visa applications from your country of residence and allow ample time for processing, which can vary depending on demand and individual circumstances. Applying well in advance ensures that you have sufficient time to receive a decision on your visa application and make any necessary arrangements before your intended start date for study in Australia.


  • Apply for a Student visa well in advance of your planned travel date.
  • Submit your application once you've received confirmation of acceptance onto your chosen course.
  • Gather all necessary documentation, including proof of financial capability, English language proficiency, and any required consent if you're under 18.
  • Check the processing times for visa applications from your country of residence.
  • Allow ample time for processing, as it can vary depending on demand and individual circumstances.
  • Applying early ensures you have sufficient time to receive a decision on your visa application and make necessary arrangements before your intended start date for studying in the Australia.

How Long Can Stay?

The duration of your stay in Australia on a Student visa depends on the length of your course. Typically:

For courses lasting less than six months: You can stay in Australia for the duration of your course, plus an additional 30 days afterward.

For courses lasting more than six months: You can stay for the full duration of your course, plus some additional time afterward. This additional time can be up to four months if your course lasts between six and 12 months, or up to two months if your course lasts more than 12 months.

It's essential to adhere to the terms of your visa and leave Australia before it expires or apply to extend your stay if necessary.

Students Visa Charges and Fees

The fees associated with a Student visa application vary depending on whether you're applying from outside or inside Australia. If you're applying from outside Australia, the Students Visa Charges are £490. Similarly, if you're already in Australia and need to extend or switch to a Student visa, the fee remains £490. It's important to note that you must pay the visa fee for each person accompanying you. Therefore, if you're applying with dependents or family members, you'll need to account for the fee for each individual.

What You Can and Can't Do?

Can Do:

  • Study at a recognized institution: You can enroll in a course at a licensed Australia institution.
  • Work part-time: You're allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during scheduled breaks.
  • Extend your stay: You can apply to extend your visa if you continue your studies or start a new course.
  • Bring family members: You may be able to bring dependents with you, but they'll need their own visa.

Can't Do:

  • Work without permission: You can't work more than the allowed hours or engage in prohibited employment, such as self-employment.
  • Access public funds: You're not eligible for most benefits provided by the Australia government.
  • Study at certain institutions: Some institutions may not be eligible for student visas, so it's essential to check the list of approved sponsors.
  • Stay in Australia without a valid visa: Once your visa expires, you must either leave Australia or apply for an extension or switch to another visa category.


In conclusion, obtaining a Student visa for Australia opens up a world of opportunities for international students seeking to pursue their academic goals in one of the world's most prestigious educational destinations. While the process may seem daunting, understanding the requirements, preparing your documents meticulously, and applying in a timely manner can streamline the visa application process.

With the ability to study at recognized institutions, work part-time, and potentially bring family members along, a Australia Student visa offers a pathway to a fulfilling academic and personal experience. By adhering to visa regulations, staying informed about your rights and responsibilities, and making the most of the resources available, you can embark on your educational journey in the Australia with confidence and enthusiasm. 

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Frequently Asked Questions?

It's recommended to apply for your Student visa as soon as you receive confirmation of acceptance onto your course and have gathered all required documents. This should ideally be several months before your course start date.

Yes, you can work part-time during term time, up to 20 hours per week, and full-time during scheduled breaks.

Yes, you must demonstrate your English language proficiency by providing evidence such as passing a recognized English language test or having completed a qualifying course.

The duration of your stay depends on the length of your course. Generally, you can stay for the full duration of your course, plus some additional time afterward.

You may be able to bring dependents with you, but they will need to apply for their own visas and meet the eligibility criteria.

Yes, you may be able to switch to a different visa category, such as a work visa or family visa, under certain circumstances. It's essential to check the specific requirements and procedures for switching visas.

The application fee for a Student visa is £490 if applying from both outside and inside Australia. Additionally, you must pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application.

Yes, you can travel in and out of the Australia during your stay on a Student visa, but you must ensure that your visa is valid and that you meet any re-entry requirements.